August 28, 2008
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MDS Starts 2008-2009 School Year

Via the AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian school website:
Principal Hagopian began the brief ceremony that launched the new school year with a short speech. He emphasised the positiveness with which we are to approach the new school year. Archpriest Father Shnork Demirdjian blessed the students, parents and faculty wishing them a blessed school year. Mr. Sinan Sinanian, Chairman of the School Board, gave a short speech welcoming all back to school, he mentioned the ongoing improvements at the school as to the gym and the pre-school area and declared the school year officially open. The student council president, PTO chairlady and Booster Club representative as well mad eshort speeches on the occasion.
PTO was present too. The scheduled events organized by our PTO are posted on the PTO section of the website.
Good luck to all.

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