"AGBU works very hard to maintain that connection with the community and keep that Armenian-ness alive. That touchpoint is really important and you see it in the charitable work AGBU does in other countries."
“I have very high regard for what AGBU does. The organization is global, always ready when Armenians need it, and have the capacity and experience to execute when circumstances arise.”
"It is important to recognize the future role virtual learning will play in society and the impact that the founding fathers like Dr. Zorian played in this educational revolution."
"The world has lost a great man, a great scientist, a great engineer and a great leader, but there are many alumni who will continue working for his ideals. He can rest in peace."
"George and Alice (née Kalenian) Hoogasian, born in 1922 and 1924 respectively, belong to that distinguished demographic known as America's greatest generation, and Alice’s family made its mark through an Armenian food staple."
"Besides equipping me with strategies and tactics of centered leadership that I try to apply every day, the Goriz program also inspired me to take an Armenian angle in pursuit of my other interests, to attach a meaningful purpose to them."
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