Final Celebrations Mark the End of Centennial Year
The Armenian Students Quartet wows the crowd with their musical program at Vienna's Centennial Celebration on December 2, 2006. The Chapter held a Gala Dinner in honor of AGBU's 100th anniversary at Vienna's Wilhelminenberg Palace.
AGBU Scouts and Montreal's FACE Symphony Orchestra are welcomed by AGBU Montreal's chairman, Dr. Rita S. Kuyumjian (left). The chapter's final Centennial event drew close to 1000 attendees to the University of Montreal's Claude Champagne Hall.
The Erebuni Dance Ensemble of AGBU Thessaloniki performs at the Athens Centennial Celebration of AGBU on March 4, 2007. More than 200 people attended the event, and special guests included His Excellency V. Kazhoyan, Armenian Ambassador to Greece.
The Sayat Nova Chorus prepares to sing for an audience of 500 people at the AGBU Center in Baghdad on November 18, 2006.
Members of AGBU Lebanon enjoy the opening of a photo archive dedicated to the 100th anniversary on December 15, 2006.
Violinists Sevan and Anoush Suni perform during AGBU Philadelphia's Jubilee Concert, held at the Armenian Martyrs' Congregational Church on March 10, 2007 in honor of the organization's 100th anniversary.
Attendees of Plovdiv's Centennial Youth Ball pose with their award certificates on December 2, 2006. During the special event, awards were presented to winners of two contests for best History Essay and Graphic Design.
More than 200 guests of Sofia's Centennial Gala enjoy the evening. The Armenian Ambassador to Bulgaria, S. Manasarian, was one of the special guests in attendance, and the Gala ceremony also included the distribution of AGBU scholarships.
Worldwide AGBU Events Bring the 100th-Anniversary Year to an Exciting Close
As the Armenian General Benevolent Union's Centennial year draws to a close, AGBU Chapters and Districts have commemorated the year's end with a bang. From the Middle East to Europe to North America, AGBU communities have done the world's largest Armenian organization proud by hosting a tremendous array of events - 58 in 34 countries - in honor of the Centennial. These have included galas, musical and artistic performances, and scholarship and award ceremonies, ensuring the involvement of all generations of diasporan Armenians.
In April 2007, AGBU will host its Centennial Conference and Closing in Armenia to formally end the milestone year with a review of the organization's efforts in the past 100 years and a series of activities and discussions to plan the direction of AGBU's continuing worldwide mission.
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