Leaving Syria
Leaving Syria

Syria, Now

In Pictures

From Aleppo to Beirut, Damascus to Yerevan—the Syrian Armenians are survivors, exhibiting community solidarity and individual fortitude in the face of tragedy.

The following photos show their conditions and struggles in Syria, Lebanon and Armenia. In Syria, they are caught between battles and bombardments, carrying on amid conflict. In neighboring Lebanon, they have found safety amid a fellow Diapora community, but little stability as they navigate a life in waiting. Others are trying to rebuild lives and businesses in Armenia, many still hopeful of return to their birthplace.

All are adapting to circumstances that change by the day, for the Syrian Armenians are determined to take control of their futures, no matter how uncertain.

Originally published in the June 2013 ​issue of AGBU Magazine. Archived content may appear distorted on your screen. end character

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AGBU Magazine is one of the most widely circulated English language Armenian magazines in the world, available in print and digital format. Each issue delivers insights and perspective on subjects and themes relating to the Armenian world, accompanied by original photography, exclusive high-profile interviews, fun facts and more.