On February 11, 2025, California Governor Gavin Newsom, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and members of their team met with leadership from the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Western Region and the Sahag Mesrob Armenian Christian...
AGBU made me realize that you do not have to speak the Armenian language to be Armenian. While the language is obviously very important, being Armenian is for me a commitment, a feeling of belonging to a cause that is part of a history that goes...
En medio del catastrófico incendio forestal que destruyó el campus de Pasadena de la Escuela Cristiana Armenia Sahag Mesrob, más de 190 estudiantes desde nivel inicial hasta 8.º grado se reubicarán temporalmente en el Centro Cultural de UGAB Vatche...
The uncontained wildfires that escalated the week of January 6, 2025 has thrust tens of thousands of residents of the Greater Los Angeles area into a state of crisis. The destruction is of a magnitude among the worst in the history of the state of...
El año 2024 marca una época de transiciones, sobre todo por mi asunción del cargo de octavo presidente de la UGAB, sucediendo a Berge Setrakian. Su notable presidencia de 22 años siguió a sus décadas de servicio en el Consejo Central de la UGAB. Es...
The sad news of the untimely passing of former AGBU Central Board member M. Michael Ansour at age 70 marks a time to reflect on the life of a dedicated servant of the Armenian community. Ansour's tenure on the AGBU Central Board lasted 22 years from...
El 12 de noviembre de 2024, el recién nombrado presidente de la Unión General de Beneficencia de Armenia (UGAB), Sam Simonian, completó una gira histórica de nueve días por ciudades clave de América del Sur, reforzando la misión de la organización...
Ever since I was a child, I've been lucky enough to experience the richness of my dual culture to the full, combining my Armenian roots with my French identity. My involvement with AGBU has been a natural extension of this heritage, but also a real...
Hagop and Iroula Manuelian plant their stake in tomorrow
We are all committed to giving back, especially to AGBU. You could say that my father’s legacy lives on.Written for AGBU Impact Magazine 2024 by Lisa Jerejian. Photos by Jay Watson.Over the years, Hagop Manuelian and his wife Iroula have...
How AGBU helped build the brilliant career of architect Mher Tarakjian
Anyone who could donate to a program like the GLP could literally be changing someone’s life. Written for AGBU Impact Magazine 2024 by Carolina Gazal. Photos by Bob O’Connor.Mher Tarakjian’s story is emblematic of how dedication,...
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