Armenian Jerusalem: New Insights on the Old City


août 08, 2024
07:00 pm - 10:00 pm (EDT)
AGBU Global Headquarters
55 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022
United States
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Historian and author Bedross Der Matossian will report on the current status of the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem in the context of the long-held power struggle for the most contested address in the world.

The event will be moderated by AGBU Central Board member Arda Haratunian.

Space is limited. Registration is highly advised.

Organized by: AGBU Central Office

Bedross Der Matossian

Historian and Author

Bedross Der Matossian is a professor of Modern Middle East History and the Hymen Rosenberg Professor in Judaic Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is also the vice chair of the Department of History. Der Matossian, born and raised in East Jerusalem, is a graduate of the Sts. Tarkmantchatz Armenian Secondary School. In 1998, he graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he began his graduate studies in the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. He completed his Ph.D. in Middle East History in the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies at Columbia University in 2008. From 2008 to 2010, he was a lecturer of Middle East History in the Faculty of History at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). For the Spring quarter of 2014, he was appointed as the Dumanian Visiting professor at the University of Chicago. Der Matossian was the past president of the Society for Armenian Studies. He is also the series editor of "Armenians in the Modern and Early Modern World," published by I.B. Tauris and Bloomsbury Press. He serves on the Board of Directors of multiple international educational institutions and on the editorial board of multiple journals. He is the author, editor, and co-editor of seven books. His latest edited volume on Denial of Genocides in the Twenty-First Century was published by the University of Nebraska Press (UNP) in 2023.

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